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【简介】电缆及设备安装程序 PACE(program for arrangement of cables and equipment) 千伏安 KvA(Kilovolt-ampere) 用浮筒把电缆拉上海岸 to float a cable ashore 浅海电缆、岸边电缆 shallow water cable 浅海电缆、岸边电缆 ...

当前栏目:电缆知识 浏览量: 时间:2013-01-14 21:44:33

填充、充填、填料 filling
填充复合物、填料、填充剂、填充混合物、浇注料、浇注剂 filling compound
填充机 filling machine
填充材料 filling material
填充温度、浇注温度 filling temperature
挤包内护层、内填充护套 extruded inner covering
环氧填充密封端 epoxy filled sealing end
连续[全]填充电缆、纵向密封电缆 continuously filled cable
色标聚乙烯石油膏填充电话电缆 color coded polyethylene jelly filled cable
石油膏填充粘结护套联合设备 combined petro-jelly filling and bonded sheath equipment
填充率 compaction ratev
装料、填充、充电、电荷 charge
电缆填充剂 cable-filling compound
电缆填充设备 cable-filling plant
中心填充物 center filler
中心填充物、填芯 centre filler
电缆填充、电缆占用率、电缆填充率、电缆线对利用率 cable fill
电缆填充 cable filling
电缆填充装置 cable filling applicator
电缆填充设备 cable filling equipment
电缆填充机 cable filling machine
电缆填充麻 cable filling yarn
电缆填充用油膏、电缆填充油膏 cable jelly
填充、填料、锁紧装置 blocking
色标聚乙烯石油膏填充 CCP-JF(color code polyethylene-jelly filled)
扁平编织线 flat braid
编织 braiding
浇铸〔流延〕 casting
涂敷 coating
包封 encapsulating
耐磨性 Abrasion Resistance
电缆放线车 wheel cable drum carriage
放线车 wire barrow
放线转台[转盘] wire pay-off turntable
放线车 wire-barrow
立式越端放线架 vertical flyer pay-off frame
垂直升降式收、放线装置 vertical lift pay-off and take-up
轨道滑动式放线装置 walk-through pay-off
放线、解绕、退绕 unreeling
退扭放线装置 untwisting pay-off system
退绕[放线]装置 unwinding device
移动式龙门收、放线架 travelling drum take-up and pay-off stand in port
移动式龙门收、放线架 travelling drum take-up and pay-off stand in portal execution
行走式放线装置 travelling pay-off
行走式放线架 travelling pay-off stand
双头立式放线架 twin headed swift
放线(装置) take-off
放线架[装置] take-off stand
收放线(装置) take-up and pay-off
张力控制放线装置 tension controlled pay-off
供方、承制厂、放线装置、交货方、制造厂 supplier
放线盘 supply bobbin
放线牵引轮 supply capstan
放线架 supply frame
放线盘 supply reel
放线架[装置] supply stand
收放线装置 spooler-unspooler
固定放线装置 stationary pay-off
固定式放线架 stationary pay-off stand
固定式收放线架 stationary take-up and pay-off stand
成捆或成筒放线装置 stempack or drumpack pay-off system
圈式放线装置、捆式放线装置 stempack pay-off
越端放线的刚性架绞线机 spin-off rigid-frame strander
